BZB-Qickstarter -- quick reference
Start Mode
Directstart - skip FSX/P3D startscreen
- After clicking on the start button below, the simulator takes off to the pre-defined flight that was selected. The selected Qickstarter settings are written to the config files FSX/Prepar3D.cfg, Scenery.cfg and the selected flight file (* .flt).
If after launching BZB-Qickstarter nothing is clicked but the start button below, the flight simulator starts with the standard flight saved in FSX.cfg. The parameters aircraft, weather and time are taken from this standard flight at the beginning and displayed.
- If you deactivate the direct start, only the set parameters are written to the FSX.cfg, besides, desired programs are started (see description below for the Rsc file). Then the simulator is started up to the start screen.
- Initially the selected flight from FSX.cfg is displayed, the values of which (weather & time) are displayed below. When this function is activated, the file selection box with the flight directory opens and you can choose a different one from the *.FLT files than the preset one.
In addition, the time and the weather for this flight can then be set, but the aircraft can no longer be changed.
Begin Mission (BZB)
- Start a BZB-Qickstarter mission, but not one of the missions supplied with the FSX.
A BZB mission consists of a series of flights from the home airport to at least one and a maximum of 5 destination airports and back to the home airport. Frequencies and runway data for departure and destination airports are displayed in the kneeboard. (For the sequence of such a flight, see the excursus in the complete manual.)
Clicking on "Begin Mission" opens a sub-window with the options:
- Just one flight ...,
Just a single flight to enjoy the display of SID and airport information on the kneeboard.
- ReStart a Mission
Restart a previously created mission.
- Build a new Mission
Creation of a new mission from 2 to 6 flights (one tour), some of which are determined at random. The tour is currently always determined by chance, everything else depends on the settings of the following three points:
- Passengers, luggage, cargo and the tour are determined by the random generator suitable for the currently set airplane.
- The random generator chooses one from the Qickstarter planes
plus suitable payload.
- First, only payload is determined. The pilot must then choose a suitable plane.
- Selection of an aircraft for which a "Standard-[airplane].flt" must exist. For "[airplane]" stands the name, as in the Qickstarter menu. displayed.
Scenery sets
- Here you can choose sets of parameters that can be configured depending on the performance hunger of addon sceneries and your PC performance. If no checkbox is activated, IFR mode applies. In addition to the individual sets, there are also combination sets (see complete manual under Rsc file).
- With "Flight at Night", BZB-Qickstarter also adapts the Scenery.cfg if a version of "Aerosoft Night Environment" is installed. These entries are then switched on or off.
Weather Options
The setting from the currently active flight file (* .flt) is always preselected.
- The first checkbox concerns one of the simulators weather themes such as "Fair Weather" or "Winter Wonderland". All themes can be selected with the Qickstarter configurator.
- Settings 2 and 3 offer the two opposite wind directions west and east. This can be used to influence which runway the simulator will select at startup.
- "Real Weather" only works properly if a real weather tool has also been started, e.g. FSrealWX. If you use another tool, please use the Qickstart Configurator to set it to the slot "program4".
Set current timedate
- First, the date is taken from the currently loaded flight file. Here you can change the time and date. To get the current date and time, it is sufficient to activate the box.
Click here for the
more detailed complete manual
Bernd Behr, July 2020, email: