Installing DSD Ground X Vehicles Extreme Europe in P3Dv4
But install cleanly as an add-on as LM imagined. Nothing in the P3D root directory is changed. Should problems arise and you are not sure whether the Ground X Vehicles have anything to do with it, the addon can be easily deactivated.
First you have to install the package from DSD (Dirk Stuck Design) into an FSX, for which the installation file DSD-Ground_X_Vehicles_Europe_Extreme.exe must be available including the activation key. If you no longer have an FSX running, you can use an FSX fake installation, as shown by Simmershome (der-prepar3dv4-3-way-installer).
The next step is to create a directory for the upcoming P3D add-on DSD GroundVehicles. I have it e.g. created in AppData below \Lockheed Martin\. Then all the files belonging to DSD-GXV have to be identified and copied into this add-on directory. So that not everyone has to do this tedious work, I wrote an AHK script and put it online, including the file lists. It can be downloaded here: Download CopyGXV2P3D
For those who don't have an Autohotkey on the computer and don't want to either, I've added the compiled version.
Extract the download Copy2P3D into any folder and start the program Copy2P3D. It first asks for the add-on directory and copies all the necessary files out of the FSX into it. In addition, the program goes through all sound configuration files (soundai.cfg) and you can change the references. Because unfortunately some DSD-GX vehicles refer (alias) to vehicles that are not available in P3Dv4, e.g. FuelTruck. However, I recommend my sound add-on, which uses other aliases (=>Motorsounds). It is included in the CopyGXV2P3D download, and the program asks if it should install these sounds.
Now follows a little manual work: The add-on still has to be registered in P3D. This happens through a subdirectory in Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\ and an entry in the config file add-ons.cfg in AppData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4, which looks like this:
PATH=G:\Users\<User>\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\DSD-GX
The "X" represents the consecutive number of the packages and the "
The file LWcfg.spb or LWcfg.xml in \AppData\ lists all ground vehicles, which means that the new ones from DSD-GX must be entered there. Unfortunately, LM changed the xml format and the file format. So be careful when saving: The file format must now be UTF-16.
now it looks like this in the LWcfg.xml of the P3D:
This can be converted well with Search & Replace. But I packed the converted blocks into the download so that you only have to insert them in the right place in LWcfg.xml; the blocks replace the existing entries. Make a copy of LWcfg.xml beforehand and name it e.g. LWcfg.xml_ORI. Later you can deactivate the add-on with two changes: First, replace the LWcfg.xml and second, set the line ACTIVE= to FALSE in \AppData\...\Prepare3D v4\add-ons.cfg in the associated package. And vice versa to reactivate it.
This description and program are for P3D v4 and the DSD Ground Vehicle Package "Europe". If someone tried it in P3D <4, I would appreciate a message with the result and incorporate it into my description.
This name then also appears in the dialog window of the Scenery Library, but cannot be moved there and cannot be deactivated. The entire DSD-GX addon can only be deactivated in the addon menu. Don't forget: In this case the file LWcfg.xml must also be replaced.
While the Xml packs in FSX look like this:
<ContainerEntry ContainerTitle="VEH_air_bagcart_blue_sm" EntryWeight="7"/>
<ContainerEntry ContainerTitle="VEH_air_bagcart1" EntryWeight="7"/>
If you own another DSD ground vehicle package or the complete one, you can also use my program, but you have to find out the necessary files yourself and enter them in the lists, as well as transform the entries of the LWcfg.xml yourself. However, there is nothing wrong with simply distributing the 5 VEH sets of the Europe Pack across the rest of the world in the file LWcfg.xml.
I found the LWcfg file in P3D v4 in Xml format, while it is in FSX as an .SPB file. If you also find them in your P3D as .SPB, you can easily convert them with the freeware tool SPB2XML.exe.
It turned out that the pushback trucks are missing. They were previously copied directly into the FSX\Scenery\GLOBAL... directory of the FSX installation using the file "vehicles_airport.BGL" which has overwritten the default vehicles. In order to still maintain the add-on principle of the P3D, it is sufficient to enter a name for the scenery component in add-on.xml:
(From July 26th 2020 the corrected add-on.xml will be included in the CopyGXV2P3D download.)
Here you can find my other tools for FSX and / or P3D:
Joystick key assignment for showing in kneeboard